5 Reasons to Boost IAQ in Miramar, FL
Your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ) in Miramar, FL doesn’t just cause or prevent allergic reactions. Instead, it influences nearly every aspect of your life. When you take steps to improve your IAQ, you’ll see numerous benefits.
1. Better Health
Low IAQ forces your lungs to work harder, putting more strain on your body. Polluted air increases your risk of developing cancer, heart disease and respiratory issues and makes it harder to focus. Finding ways to remove contaminants, such as investing in custom air filters, or an air purifier improves your health and helps you breathe easily.
2. Lower Energy Bills
Homes with low IAQ often have clogged air filters that make it harder for your HVAC system to circulate air through the vents. As a result, the furnace goes into overdrive, causing a spike in energy usage. Cleaner air leads to more efficient furnaces and a reduced risk of overheating.
3. Fewer Odors
Bacteria and other particles may create odors that distract you throughout the day and ruin your concentration. Instead of hiding the odors with scented candles, refresh your air to target the problem at its source.
4. Relief From Allergies
Polluted air often contains allergens, such as pollen, dust, bacteria, spores and pet dander. These may trigger allergic reactions that range from flu-like symptoms to life-threatening emergencies. Improving your IAQ eliminates most of these allergens, reducing your risk of allergic reactions and asthma attacks.
5. Improved Sleep Quality
Breathing contaminated air may lower your sleep quality, make it harder to stay asleep and cause sleep disorders. With improved IAQ, you’ll enjoy a better night’s sleep and wake feeling refreshed. Better IAQ also eases the symptoms of sleep apnea.
Schedule an appointment with HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service for better indoor air quality. We’ll discuss your situation and offer solutions, such as air purifiers and UV light technology.
Image provided by iStock
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