3 Ductless Noises That Should Worry You in Coral Springs, FL

One of the reasons why so many homeowners choose to buy ductless mini-splits is that they tend to operate almost noiselessly. Nevertheless, odd sounds may come from your system and upset the tranquility of your home in Coral Springs, FL. To help you handle this issue, here’s some information about three especially worrisome ductless noises.

1. Hissing

This sound clearly indicates that your mini-split is leaking refrigerant, and you should worry about this for two reasons. First, your system cannot do its job without this coolant, and any loss of it will cause the performance of your system to decline. Second, this substance is highly toxic.

The hissing occurs when the refrigerant escapes from your system via holes in its refrigerant lines while in gas form. As air displaces the gas in the lines, you may also hear bubbling sounds.

If you accidentally inhale this gas, even in small amounts, you may vomit or develop headaches as it is very toxic. You could also lose consciousness or experience even worse symptoms. When you notice a leak, leave your home and call professionals to take care of the problem.

2. Screeching or Squealing

When you hear piercing squeals or screeches, your system likely has issues with its fans or blower. Either the blower wheel or one of the fans may have malfunctioned. A faulty blower motor may also cause this annoying noise.

3. Rattling

If your ductless system makes a rattling sound, you can be sure that debris, such as twigs or small pebbles, has entered it. The longer these foreign objects bounce around in your system, the more likely they will cause serious damage.

Maintenance technicians can clean out such debris during tune-ups. Experts recommend that you schedule HVAC maintenance at least once a year.

Stay alert for any strange noises coming from your ductless system. As soon as you hear something unusual, contact HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service in Coral Springs, FL, and request our ductless AC services.

Image provided by iStock

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