Ignore These 6 Myths About Ductless Systems
A ductless HVAC system usually has several indoor air handling units that are connected to a condenser or an outdoor compressor by a small conduit. Since the indoor air handlers can heat or cool the air that’s already in the rooms of your Pembroke Pines, Florida, home, ductwork to move air isn’t needed. You can also use zoning to avoid heating or cooling unoccupied rooms and let people set different rooms to various temperatures. Ductless systems can be a little more expensive than conventional HVAC systems, but the energy savings they provide make them an excellent investment.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of inaccurate, misleading information around about ductless HVAC systems. Make sure you ignore these harmful myths about ductless heating and cooling.
Installation Is Only for New Homes
If you’re building a new home, installing a ductless system is a smart idea. You can also use it to update an older home. Have any ductwork you’re not using sealed to keep away dust and pests. If you build a new addition to your home, you can install a ductless system in the new rooms and keep your current system for the rest of your home. That way, you won’t have to install any new ductwork.
You can use a ductless heat pump with your existing furnace to heat your home. A ductless system is also a great way to get rid of warm or drafty areas and make your family more comfortable. Since it doesn’t use much space, a ductless HVAC system is easy to install in most homes.
Ductless Units Are Bulky and Unattractive
Ductless HVAC systems are actually more attractive than many types of heaters and air conditioners. Most indoor units are small and rectangular, and they can hang on a wall or ceiling instead of using valuable closet space.
They’re Noisy
Many early HVAC systems were noisy, including ductless systems, and people often believe that current units are similar. Fortunately, modern ductless and conventional systems are very quiet due to special noise-reducing technologies. They shouldn’t interrupt your sleep, keep you from having a conversation with a family member, or disturb your neighbors. Technologies like zoning and air handlers with variable speeds also help ductless systems lower the noise levels in your home.
Ductless Units Eliminate Energy Losses
A ductless HVAC unit can make your home more efficient, but it can’t eliminate all energy loss. You won’t have to worry about leaky ductwork wasting energy, but ductless systems have to move refrigerant a greater distance than other heaters and air conditioners. A conventional HVAC system is still the most popular type of technology for many homes, but ductless systems are usually more efficient.
Ductless Systems Lead to Poor Indoor Air Quality
Many ductless HVAC systems have superior cleaning functions that can help you keep your home’s indoor air quality high. Each indoor air handler has its own air filter, so dust, dirt, and other contaminants can’t spread around your home through your HVAC system or your ductwork. A ductless system can also keep unpleasant smells from circulating through your home, help your family avoid illnesses, and prevent asthma and allergy symptoms. You should change the air filters at least once every three months to keep your system working efficiently.
They Don’t Last Very Long
You should have your ductless HVAC system or any other type of heating or cooling unit checked by a trained professional at least once per year to make sure that it lasts as long as possible. With proper maintenance, most conventional systems last about 15 years, while many ductless units can work well for more than 20 years.
HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service has more than 60 years of heating and air conditioning experience. We can help you maintain, install, and repair a variety of HVAC equipment, including ductless systems, to help you and your family conserve energy and improve your home’s indoor air quality. Call us anytime at 954-246-4141 for outstanding service from our expert technicians.
Image provided by Shutterstock
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