7 Tips for Keeping Your Heating Bills Low in Margate, FL

Cooler months in Margate, FL are on their way, meaning it’s time to start thinking about how to keep your heating bills low. Whether you’re on a budget or want to save money on your energy costs, this is necessary. Here are seven tips to help you keep your bills low during the cooler season.

1. Upgrade Your Heating System

If your heat pump is over 12 years old, it may be time to upgrade. Old heat pump systems are less energy-efficient than newer models, using more power to heat your home.

Investing in a new and modern, energy-efficient heating system will save you money in the long run. Modern systems have extra features such as variable speed blowers and two-stage compressors that help reduce energy consumption.

2. Educate Yourself on Thermostat Settings

Your thermostat settings greatly impact your heating bills. During the cooler months, you should set your thermostat to 68 degrees when you’re home and awake. You can set it lower when you’re asleep or away from home since every degree above 68 degrees can add 3-5% to your energy bill.

You can use a smart thermostat that you can control from your phone to make it easy to adjust the temperature. These thermostats allow setting a schedule so you only heat your home when needed.

3. Lower Water Heater Temperature

Water heaters are one of the biggest energy hogs in your home. Many people have their water heater set too high, which wastes energy and money. The heating element in these systems has a rating of 4000 watts.

If your water heater is set to 140 degrees, it uses nearly half of its rated power to heat the water. You can save money on water heating costs by lowering the temperature to 120 degrees. This is hot enough to meet your needs without wasting energy.

4. Winterize Your Home

Winterizing your home means sealing any cracks or gaps that let in cold air. This makes your home more energy-efficient and prevents heat from escaping. Start by checking for gaps around doors and windows. You can use weatherstripping or caulk to seal these gaps.

You can also recaulk your window panes so they fit snugly in their frames to create an airtight seal and keep out drafts. If you have a fireplace, close the damper when it’s not in use. You should also consider adding insulation to your attic and crawl spaces.

5. Use Curtains or Blinds

Hanging curtains or blinds over your windows help keep heat in and cold air out. Thick and heavy curtains are best for this since they offer more insulation. If you want more light during the day, open the curtains or blinds and at night, close them to keep the heat in.

You can also purchase insulated window coverings with an extra layer. These are available in various styles and colors to match your décor.

6. Reduce Pool Pump Running Time

If you have a pool, you can save money on your energy costs by reducing the time the pool pump runs. Most pool pumps have a timer that you can set to run for only the amount of time you need.

You should also consider investing in a variable speed pool pump. These pumps use less energy and can save you up to 50% on your energy costs.

7. Educate Yourself on SEER Ratings

When you’re shopping for a new heating system, it’s important to educate yourself on SEER ratings. The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) measures how energy-efficient a heating or cooling system is.

The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the system and the lower your energy costs. Look for a system with a SEER rating of at least 16 for the best energy efficiency.

You can save money on your heating bills by following the above tips. If you need help selecting a new HVAC system that saves you on your bills, contact the experts at HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service. We can help you find the perfect system for your needs.

Image provided by iStock

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