6 Ways to Help Your Air Conditioner Last Longer

If you’ve lived in Weston, Florida for long, you know that it’s easy to over-stress an air conditioner, especially during those long, hot summers. Even if you have your cooling system running most months of the year, you can still ensure that it keeps you cool for many years to come. From scheduling regular HVAC maintenance to keeping the temperature consistent, follow these six tips to help your air conditioner last longer.

Open All the Registers

The HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service team knows just what you’re thinking. Why keep registers open in rooms that don’t get much use, such as guest rooms or storage areas? Even though it’s tempting to close those registers to save energy, doing so could make your air conditioner work harder as it attempts to cool your entire home.

If you want to help your cooling system last as long as possible, open all of the registers in your home and make sure that the air can flow freely. Large furniture and rugs can easily compromise the airflow and force your air conditioner to struggle. While you’re at it, open all the interior doors, too, to improve airflow.

Replace the Air Filter Frequently

Air filters might seem simple, but they’re some of the most important components of any air conditioner. Not only are they designed to remove pet dander, dust, pollen, and other airborne contaminants from your home’s air supply, but they also keep these pollutants from entering your air conditioner and slowing it down.

To keep both your home’s air supply and your air conditioner as clean as possible, replace the HVAC filter at least once every three months. During periods of heavy use, such as the summer months, switch the filter out every month.

Improve the Air Quality

Whether your family members suffer from allergies or you just can’t take the humidity any longer, countless indoor air quality issues can wreak havoc on your Weston home. While you might be tough enough to handle some dust or stale air, keep in mind that these kinds of air quality issues can shorten the lifespan of an air conditioner.

If your air conditioner can’t clear the air or moderate humidity on its own, there are easy ways to get some help. Our team often recommends investing in HVAC add-ons like whole-home dehumidifiers, energy-recovery ventilators, or whole-house air purifiers to improve air quality while giving your air conditioner a boost.

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

If you don’t schedule HVAC maintenance at least once a year, this should be at the top of your to-do list. Regular HVAC tune-ups are essential for keeping your air conditioner running efficiently and identifying minor issues before they require major repairs. Tune-ups can also help your air conditioner last longer, since they ensure that it doesn’t have to work harder than necessary to keep you cool.

Keep Temperatures Consistent

Not everyone can agree on the same temperature all the time. But if your family members argue about indoor temperatures constantly and frequently adjust the thermostat, you could be putting more stress on your air conditioner than you realize.

Our team recommends installing a smart thermostat so you can set it and forget it. If you need a few different temperature zones in your home to keep everyone happy, zoning systems could be the ideal solution for optimal comfort and efficiency.

Update Outdoor Landscaping

It’s easy to forget about your air conditioner’s outdoor unit, but you have to maintain it regularly to keep your cooling system in the best possible shape. First, trim back bushes, shrubs, and trees to leave 2 to 3 feet of clearance all around the unit.

Then, throughout the growing season, keep the nearby grass short and remove fallen leaves and twigs from the unit regularly. Doing this only takes a few minutes a week, but keeping your outdoor unit clean and clear ensures that nothing blocks the airflow or forces the system to overwork itself.

Could your air conditioner use some TLC? Call the HI-VAC Air Conditioning Service team at 954-246-4141 for more tips on maintaining your cooling system or advice on energy-efficient upgrades.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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